Sunday, April 17, 2016


DM-ing - at least if you do it the way I do it - takes a lot of time. Even if nothing else were happening, I have a standing commitment to at least one night every single week, for game night. If one of my players can't make it that night, I can work something out and still move the game forward. But I can't break that appointment without ruining four other people's plans, so I take that one weekly obligation pretty seriously. But that weekly commitment is just the start. It acts as a drumbeat. Every week, I need to ensure that I have playable content ready. 

For every hour we spend in game, I approximate I invest 4-6 hours out of game into writing and preparation. Since our weekly game session is about 4 hours, that means I average roughly 20 hours of prep time outside of the game, each week. DM-ing is basically a part-time job for me. I also work a (more than) full time job, and have other hobbies, such as brewing, kayaking, art, music, etc. I love all of this - it makes me who I am, and I wouldn't change any of it. But it means that my free time is pretty much budgeted.

Enter: The Conflict.

About a month ago, my little routine got completely up-ended, when I found out unexpectedly that I had to move. In 26 days. I won't get into details, but I live in an area that has infamously difficult housing options. Finding a place to live and moving typically takes 3-4 months around here, depending on the season. Making it happen up-ended basically everything in my life; putting it all on hold. This included the weekly D&D game (and it's associated prep work, including updating this blog). 

This blog was already behind the game - I try not to post anything until after the players have gone through it, just in case they happen upon these notes; and I still had a lot of backlogged content to boot. But with the move putting the game on hold for almost a month, I was laughably behind schedule on all things D&D. At points I feared for the continued existence of the weekly game (as big up-ending life circumstances such as this have killed campaigns in the past for our group).

Yet, as I sit here updating this blog, I am now declaring victory! We have found new housing, completed the move - including even unpacking everything into a smaller space! I have even completed one group gaming session and three solo (DM & one player) gaming sessions. Better still, tonight will be our second gaming session after the move, and the party's return to their A-story with some new and improved tricks from a few side quests and clever transactions. I can feel the game's heartbeat coming back, and I'm proud to say that life has (more or less) returned to normal. I'll be taking a break next week on account of a family vacation, but after that, we'll be back on schedule.

So, stay tuned for lots more updates! We've got plenty in store: from secret bandit cults, to ancient cursed orbs of power; from warbands of murderous orcs, to talking goats, and that's just on the road to Waterdeep! All this, plus dueling assassins, treacherous succubi, vanishing demons, and a scurvy sea hag... coming soon!