Saturday, February 6, 2016

Scribe Notes - Vol. 9: The Black Spider

If you haven't already done so, be sure to read the previous posts in the Scribe Notes series for the complete back story!

We rode back to Wave Echo Cave in the morning. It was much how we left it: dark, ominous, and full of all manner of monsters.

Another of those jellies descended from the ceiling. Despite our best efforts to freeze the thing it still managed to clobber poor Ava. Figuring fire might be a better approach, I launched a firebolt at it. Poor Thaelin attempted to follow suit, but only burned himself in the process. A frustrated Ava hacked the thing to pieces.

Our old hiding hole was patched up. Voices on the other side. I used a series of cantrips to lure them out and away from us. We split a group of four and flanked them. Trym assassinated one with an arrow before anyone even heard a whisper. We made short work of the beasts, even when reinforcements arrived. It seems everyone's experience has served them well.

We approached a set of double doors. On the other side, we finally found Nundro. Ava saw to his health while I examined the documents on the table. My curiosity let the drow get the drop on me. Learning from my previous lesson, I managed to cast shield to block his magic missile. But he called a group of spiders to his aide, and our wizards' duel began.

We engaged in magical combat while my friends attempted to manage the spiders. The coward blinded me and fled into the darkness. Trym and Thaelin both summoned animal companions to deal with the arachnids. When the drow reappeared, I hurled a fireball over his shoulder. In his arrogance, he had believed I missed with a firebolt. When the flames exploded outward they took him entirely by surprise, fully engulfing him in the flames. We dispatched the spiders and three bugbears burst into the room...

Thaelin convinced them they had little worth fighting for and healed Nundro. His peculiar staff of black metal confirmed our suspicions as to his identity, by way of it's ornamentation - a large, Black Spider. We set the it aside for further inspection later, and upon deciding a rest was in order, secured ourselves in the room that had (until we dispatched his jailers) been Nundro's cell; an opportunity I used to review the documents we had claimed from Nezznar, The Black Spider's desk.

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